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 Hello There

Become a contributor!

There isn't any need to be an expert writer! For most of our members, this is just a simple hobby; because of that, we ask simple things from you:

  • Sharp English - Like I said before, there isn't the need to be an expert writer, however, as can be awaited, we can't accept work written in elvish.
  • Passion for writing - Every work without a bit of love can be a disaster, you need to like what you are doing and don't feel obligated to keep doing it.
  • Respect deadlines - If you promise to post an article until the end of the month... JUST DO IT!
  • Be original - It isn't fun to copy other's right...

We also want to know a bit about you! Talk about your past possible project, articles, reviews or guides. Any link will not be open, so please sent us a print screen or the text itself. To candidate, or apply your work just send us an email (

It's important to remember that we aren't a group with any lucrative propose, so please be aware that will not exist any revenue.


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